Any one of us can point to a flaw in our character or an obstacle that hinders our performance that has a negative impact on our interactions with others, especially at work.
Discover the two negative characteristics shared by all 16 MBTI personality types.
ESFJ: manipulative, indiscreet, and a blabbermouth is a classic ESFJ trait.
ISFJ: When it comes to libel, it’s the ISFJ who started it all. Insults others’ good names.
ESFP: The first true drama queen was an ESFP. Impetuous as all get out.
ISFP: Those who identify as ISFP tend to be ruled by their feelings rather than being in charge of them.
ENTJ: To paraphrase an ENTJ, “He will just walk over you, regardless of your reason or emotions.”
INTJ: Supercilious, in the INTJ’s opinion. It looks like it’s freezing outside.
ENTP: He’s got his feet planted a good two meters off the ground; he’s an ENTP.
INTP: is someone who is brilliant in theory but useless in practice. Totally unrealistic
ESTJ: is the archetypal mean kid. Probably a psychopath.
ISTJ: Stubborn as all get out, that’s what the ISTJs are known for. Obsessed with following protocol but not understanding why.
ESTP: The first con artist was probably an ESTP. And to top it all off, they’re selfish.
ISTP: Ignorance of morality and disregard for right and wrong
ENFJ: Underestimates others while being overbearing and manipulative toward them; this is the ENFJ personality type.
INFJs are notoriously deceitful, hypocritical plotters.
ENFP: is just your average annoyance. Absolutely deplorable.
INFP: Traditionalist INFPs value tradition for its own sake. substitutes belief for analysis.